The DTD Replica wheels are wheels manufactured according to the strict standards of the automobile manufacturers and are models which look like in all respects the models created by them.
DTD Replicas look great on the vehicles on offer without having to purchase any tuning accessories. At DTD we distribute premium quality aluminum wheels manufactured by recognized factories, which have state-of-the-art equipment. We have visited a multitude of factories, and the factories we have chosen to manufacture our aluminum wheels meet all the manufacturing criteria in terms of safety, strength, and quality of finish. Several finishes are available in varying sizes between 14 "and 22" for Replica wheels. Indeed, the wheels can have a painted finish in a multitude of colours, a machined finish, chrome, and combinations between the finishes.
At DTD, we also make sure that the finish of our wheels is adapted to the rigours of our climate. That’s why all of our aluminum wheels come with an extra protective coating called ‘’ shield ’’. As the name says, this coating protects the wheels from damage caused by abrasives and other products used to keep our roads safe in winter. Our wheels still need to have minimal maintenance, but they will be more likely to retain their beauty for a longer period.
At DTD we have established business relationships with a multitude of aluminum wheel manufacturers around the world. Our wheels are all manufactured according to North American requirements and conformity. It is, however, very important to know that we suggest choosing the models of wheels which are proposed to you by our search engine according to the applications.
A wheel might have the same fitment from vehicle to vehicle, but the load capacity might differ, and so it is possible that a wheel model is not suitable for a specific application and could even be a risk to the vehicle. Security. So it is very important to trust the application guide suggested by DTD in order to get the most out of your purchase.
The DTD Replica wheels are wheels manufactured according to the strict standards of the automobile manufacturers and are models which look like in all respects the models created by them. DTD Replicas look great on the vehicles on offer.